The Kindermusik with Simply Music Blog

7 Musical Ways to Make Your Holidays Less Stressful

7 musical ways to make your holidays less stressful Jul 06, 2024
7 Musical Ways to Make Your Holidays Less Stressful

7 Musical Ways to Make Your Holidays Less Stressful

You don’t plan for it to happen, but sometimes the stress creeps in over the holidays.  And your children, being the sensitive little souls that they are, often feel it too, whether they can articulate it or not. So how can you make the holidays a little easier and more enjoyable?  We’re delighted to share seven musical ways to make your holidays less stressful – for you and your child.



7 Musical Ways

Keep your Regular Routines as Much as Possible

At this time of year, it can be hard to keep a normal schedule, no matter how hard you try.  So when the schedule isn’t consistent, it becomes that much more essential to maintain some of your same routines – like attending your weekly Kindermusik class, for example!

Turn on your Child’s Favorite Playlist During Playtime

You’ll be surprised at how a little music can change the mood to happy and light-hearted.  Your child may even be inspired to spontaneously sing along, dance along, or even play instruments along as well!

Let your Child Make Music While you Make Supper

A couple of pots and bowls and a child-friendly wooden spoon or spatula makes for some wonderful rhythm play, whether your child is accompanying themselves or playing along with a favorite CD or playlist.


Travel with your Favorite Kindermusik CDs or Playlists

When you’re packing the car to head to Grandma’s house, don’t forget to pack your Kindermusik CDs or organize a few playlists to listen to on the way.  Listening to music and singing along can make the trip go that much faster for everyone!

Have a Song – or Two – up your Sleeve at All Times!

You may not think you have a great voice, but we promise, to your child, your voice could win you a room full of Grammy’s!  And when you’re waiting in that checkout line or at the doctor’s office, you’ll be glad to throw self-consciousness to the winds and sing that favorite song for your child if it makes the long wait more bearable.

Settle your Child in for Bed with their Favorite Lullaby

A favorite lullaby as you cuddle in the rocking chair or give a gentle back rub before bed can calm and soothe, even after the busiest days.   This simple ritual is as good for you as it is for your child.

Suggest an Experience Gift, like a Gift Certificate to Kindermusik Classes

It’s amazing how much “stuff” can accumulate, even for one small child!  So this year, consider putting the bug in Santa’s – ahem, Grandma’s – ear that a gift certificate to Kindermusik or another experience gift might be the perfect solution.

With every wish for a magical, musical holiday season, all of us here with Kindermusik hope that these seven simple tips inspire happier, more memorable, and less stressed holidays for you and yours!

Shared by Theresa Case whose award-winning Kindermusik program is located in Greenville, South Carolina.

For more music, ideas, and fun, and to find a class near you, visit 



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