For the Love of Musik: Starting a Kindermusik Studio
I became a member of the Kindermusik family over 20 years ago now, thanks to a dear college professor who encouraged me to pursue my love of music and young children by becoming a licensed Kindermusik educator. Little did either of us know that the first step of enrolling in Kindermusik training would lead to so many years of doing something I love with all of my heart – teaching and owning a Kindermusik studio!
So what does it take to start a studio? Well, you can get all of the practical logistics from the Kindermusik International site, and I highly suggest starting there. You’ll find lots of great information that will not only answer your questions, but will also help guide and confirm your decision.
But if you want to know what it REALLY takes to start a Kindermusik studio and join the incredible community of Kindermusik educators and programs all around the world… read on!
It takes a heart that never stops expanding…
The best Kindermusik teachers have the capacity for boundless love for children AND their adults. With love comes connection, and with connection comes families who adore you and stay with your program.
It takes a commitment to always be learning…
I’m talking about more than just learning the lesson activities – it’s about learning and growing as a professional. If you are always growing, your teaching will always be fresh.
It takes persistence and dedication…
Starting a business isn’t easy, but it has huge rewards. Those rewards come in all shapes and forms, and they are definitely worth working for.
It takes a willingness to continually strive for excellence…
It’s about both doing your best and also giving the best. The Kindermusik curriculum is the best on the planet, and as Kindermusik educators, it’s our job to deliver an incredible experience.
It takes connecting with other Kindermusik educators…
One of the absolute BEST benefits of being a Kindermusik educator has been meeting and getting to know – and love – other Kindermusik educators around the world. Some of my most cherished friendships are with Kindermusik educators!
It takes creativity, planned and spontaneous…
A Kindermusik lesson plan absolutely comes alive in the hands of a creative educator. Much of that creativity is carefully planned in advance, and the rest happens in the moment.

Hear what inspired Mary Pratt to become a licensed Kindermusik Educator:
It takes an understanding of child development…
You’ll learn so much by studying the Benefit Statements in the curriculum and by observing the children in your classes. But doing some extra reading and study will really enhance your ability to relate to the children and affirm the parents.
It takes an absolute love of music…
Singing, dancing, making music, and leading and inspiring others to do the same – you have to love it with all your heart so they will too.
It takes an unshakeable belief in the power of music…
This is what will motivate you, what will keep you going – knowing that music has the power to make such a difference in the lives of children and their families. When you see it firsthand, over and over, you’ll want to teach Kindermusik until you are no longer able to sing and move. Starting a Kindermusik studio is worth everything you will invest in it…and then some.
Join a World-Class Music Education Community!
The heart and soul of Kindermusik is our highly passionate community of educators and business owners around the world. They’re musical, business-minded, enthusiastic, and extremely committed. Does this sound like you? If so, become part of the world’s most carefully researched, developmentally-appropriate early childhood music program! I promise…teaching Kindermusik will make as much of a difference in YOUR life as it does in the lives of the children and families you will be privileged to love and teach.
Shared by Theresa Case who’s kept at it for the love of “musik” for over 20 years now… and hopes to be at for at least 20+ years more! Theresa’s award-winning Kindermusik program is part of the program at Piano Central Studios in beautiful Greenville, South Carolina.