Growing Up in Kindermusik
When I became licensed to teach Kindermusik way back in 1994, I never imagined what the next twenty-something years would hold for me…or the hundreds of children and families I’ve been privileged to hold in my heart all this time.
Twenty plus years means that many of those babies I had in my lap are now all grown up, and I’m even starting to see a few come back around to teach for me or to bring their own tiny baby to his first class. I still run into those Kindermusik moms who are always so eager to thank me and to proudly tell me that so-and-so went on to study music, or is playing with a music group, or still sits down at the piano to play.
So many of these Kindermusik kids not only went all the way through our Kindermusik program, but stayed on at our music school to take music lessons. And every single one of those parents and kids all recall with great fondness and warmth just how important Kindermusik was to them in those early years.
So what exactly does it mean to “grow up in Kindermusik”? Here’s a bit of perspective from my own years as a Kindermusik mom, a Kindermusik educator, and Director of Piano Central Studios.Theresa Case works her magic with a young musician (yes, friends – Kindermusik Educators are magicians!)
Growing up in Kindermusik means…
- Being allowed to gently unfold and blossom at their own pace, thus deepening their love of music and ensuring that love would stay in their hearts for the rest of their lives.
- Reveling in a nurturing environment where each individual was lovingly encouraged to be themselves, to play and be curious and creative, and along the way, to discover for themselves just how much they could come to love making music.
- Finding a place to belong, to linger in the delights of childhood, and to savor moments that will never be forgotten.
- Asking for music to continue to be a part of their lives even after Kindermusik, by continuing on with music lessons.
- Pursuing music as a career or maintaining their musical skills as a beloved hobby.
- Forever having a story, a memory, or a song to share from being in Kindermusik class and enjoying Kindermusik together at home throughout the week.
- Gratefully acknowledging parents who recognized the power of music not only to shape their children developmentally, socially, and cognitively, but also to nurture their souls and give them great joy the rest of their lives.
My experience has held true over and over and over again. Growing up in Kindermusik is one of the best ways a parent – and a Kindermusik teacher – can let a child grow up.
Shared by Theresa Case, Director of Piano Central Studios in Greenville, South Carolina.