The Kindermusik with Simply Music Blog

Science Center Stage: Kids’ Brains Grow Faster with Music

science center stage: kids’ brains grow faster with music Aug 17, 2024
Science Center Stage: Kids’ Brains Grow Faster with Music

Science Center Stage: Kids’ Brains Grow Faster with Music

We don’t just think music instruction has a cognitive impact; we know it does.  The science to prove it continues to pile up.  And it’s pretty exciting stuff when you’re talking about things like MRI’s, EEG’s, and behavioral testing being part of the proof.

A recent study, begun by the Brain and Creativity Institute at USC back in 2012 has just revealed some impressive findings.  The study actually showed that “…music instruction speeds up the maturation of the auditory pathway in the brain and increases its efficiency.”  In other words, your brain works better if you’ve had musical instruction!

“Within two years of the study, the neuroscientists found the auditory systems of children in the music program were maturing faster in them than in the other children. The fine-tuning of their auditory pathway could accelerate their development of language and reading, as well as other abilities – a potential effect which the scientists are continuing to study.”

Kindermusik International has long recognized the connection between music instruction and brain development.  You can’t teach a baby to play the piano or violin, but you can still give them rich and powerful early experiences with music that activate and actually change the brain through music and movement activities.


That smile betrays musical fun…impacting brain development!


It is through a curriculum that combines the power of early music experiences for newborns to big kids in a developmentally appropriate setting that Kindermusik is able to deliver a unique music learning experience that puts a song in each child’s heart, helps parents and children bond, and gives kids a chance to play and be kids – all while giving them an early cognitive advantage through singing, dancing, playing instruments, and moving.

But don’t just take our word for it… check out the science for yourself.  Kids’ brains really do grow faster, stronger, and happier with music and music classes like Kindermusik!  And you’ll both have a lot of happy memories of songs, giggles, and together time to treasure forever too. Shared by Theresa Case who loves that kids’ eyes, hearts, and brains have been lighting up for over 20 years now in their Kindermusik classes at Piano Central Studios, where she is the Director.



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