The Kindermusik with Simply Music Blog

The Surprising Reasons Why Grownups Love Kindermusik Too

the surprising reasons why grownups love kindermusik too Jul 12, 2024
The Surprising Reasons Why Grownups Love Kindermusik Too

The Surprising Reasons Why Grownups Love Kindermusik Too

All you have to do is look around the classroom during a Kindermusik class, and you’ll see why children love Kindermusik so much — from beloved class routines to pint-sized friends to favorite instruments to that teacher they absolutely adore.  Look a little closer, and you’ll notice that the adults are really loving “their” Kindermusik too.  Here are some of the surprising reasons why.


Theresa Case
Theresa Case changing lives!

You’ll Receive Great Parenting Support

This support comes in many different packages.  Sometimes it’s that hug of empathy when your child is having a bit of a rough day.  Sometimes it’s that spontaneous celebratory cheer of delight when your child takes his first steps in class.  Sometimes it’s sharing the joy as another child sings for the first time.  Sometimes it’s that interesting fact about child development or that musical tip you can take home with you.  And then at home, you can find all kinds of musical parenting insight and support through the Home Materials.

You’ll have a Social Outlet, Too

Let’s face it.  Parenting a young child can be lonely sometimes.  It’s tough work too.  And that’s why so many adults tell us that they look forward to coming to Kindermusik as much as their child does!  In class, Kindermusik parents meet other adults with children – and challenges – that are similar.  And there’s nothing that inspires community and connection more than the circle dances and social activities that are built into every class.

You’ll Gain Tremendous Insight into your Child’s Heart and Mind

There’s something about being in a music class with a proven curriculum that’s been so carefully rooted in child development.  Being in a Kindermusik class opens various windows of understanding as you observe your child in the weekly class setting, interacting with other children and adults, participating and engaging in his/her own way, and even listening to the teacher.

Theresa Case teaches her Kindermusik classes with love and a boundless energy.

You’ll Know – or be Able to Adapt – a Song for Nearly Every Situation

From the “toys away” song to that one lullaby that works every time, you’ll have a whole playlist of songs and rhymes to make day-to-day routines and transitions a little easier.  Best of all, these will be the kinds of songs you’ll enjoy singing – songs that bring a smile, soothe, distract, or inspire play.

You’ll Feel Really Good about Being Able to Enjoy an Activity with your Child that has Such a Lifelong Impact

It isn’t every day that the things you do with your child can strengthen your heart ties with each other or create the feelings of connection and stability that being in Kindermusik does.  And knowing that you are fostering a lifelong love of both music and learning makes being in Kindermusik all the more special.

You might think that you enrolled your child in Kindermusik because the Kindermusik experience is so good for him or her.  But after over 30 years of bringing children and families together in the Kindermusik classroom to enjoy and make music together, we can say with confidence that Kindermusik is just as good for the grownups who participate as it is for the children they bring to class each week.



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