The Kindermusik with Simply Music Blog

What Does It Take? Becoming a Kindermusik Educator

what does it take? becoming a kindermusik educator Sep 26, 2024
What Does It Take? Becoming a Kindermusik Educator

What Does It Take? Becoming a Kindermusik Educator

It’s been over 20 years since I started my Kindermusik journey with my first Kindermusik training.  But I still remind myself often of what it takes to become – and to be! – a Kindermusik educator.  Here are a few of my favorite characteristics of a Kindermusik teacher:

A song in your heart. You can’t inspire others to love music unless a love of music is bubbling out of you!

A love of kids… and parents! Kindermusik is as much for the parents as it is for the kids, and Kindermusik educators get to love and nurture them both.

A beautiful smile. The most beautiful smiles come straight from a loving heart that sees the good and loves the child – and parent! – just as they are.

A child-like sense of wonder. The best teachers see the world through the child’s eyes and hear the music through their ears.

A sense of humor. You have to have a gift to laugh at yourself and delight in others – especially the kids who will never cease to surprise you.

A streak of creativity. The lesson plans can only come to life in the hands of a vibrant, creative teacher.

A commitment to excellence. It may look like fun and games, but it takes dedication and work to be the kind of Kindermusik teacher who makes the biggest difference in the lives of her Kindermusik families.

Becoming a Kindermusik Educator
Theresa Case teaches her Kindermusik classes with love and a boundless energy

A big imagination. The kids will have one – you have to have a big imagination to in order to enter their world and connect with them at their level.

A boundless joy. Kindermusik does something special for each one – the child, the parent, and the teacher.  And each new class only increases the joy of teaching and making music.

And that’s what it takes to be a Kindermusik teacher – heart, love, smiles, wonder, humor, creativity, excellence, imagination, and joy. It’s also what Kindermusik teachers get back every time a child’s eyes light up in class.

So, I guess I have to say that teaching Kindermusik isn’t really about what it takes, but what it gives.

Shared by Theresa Case whose award-winning Kindermusik program at Piano Central Studios in upstate South Carolina has been inspiring children and families to learn and make music together for over 20 years now.



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