The Kindermusik with Simply Music Blog

Building Community Through Music building community through music Jul 15, 2024

Building Community Through Music

I travel quite a lot as a conductor. I guest conduct choral festivals in various locations as a part of my musical life. Last month, I found...

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What Makes Kindermusik So Compelling to Children what makes kindermusik so compelling to children Jul 13, 2024

What Makes Kindermusik So Compelling to Children

It’s More Than Just Instruments!

It’s the cutest thing to watch even a very young baby’s first responses to...

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The Surprising Reasons Why Grownups Love Kindermusik Too the surprising reasons why grownups love kindermusik too Jul 12, 2024

The Surprising Reasons Why Grownups Love Kindermusik Too

All you have to do is look around the classroom during a Kindermusik class, and you’ll see why children love...

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Music As Language music as language Jul 11, 2024

Music As Language

Oh, the directions we could take this article! Written music is a language. Phrase structure…how a piece of music unfolds section by section can be...

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Music Matters – But Why? music matters – but why? Jul 10, 2024

Music Matters – But Why?

I’m guessing that if you are here, reading this blog, that music is important to you. Your kids might take part in Kindermusik, or...

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Repetition Repetition Repetition repetition repetition repetition Jul 09, 2024

Repetition Repetition Repetition

Humans are built for repetition. So much of what we do as living beings is rooted in repetitive structure. We have a cycle each day that...

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Do Music? Yep, You’re Probably Smarter do music? yep! you're probably smarter Jul 08, 2024

Do Music? Yep, You’re Probably Smarter

Study after study after study in respected, peer-reviewed journals in a variety of fields tell us the same thing over and over,...

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7 Musical Ways to Make Your Holidays Less Stressful 7 musical ways to make your holidays less stressful Jul 06, 2024

7 Musical Ways to Make Your Holidays Less Stressful

You don’t plan for it to happen, but sometimes the stress creeps in over the holidays.  And your children,...

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Book Review: Your Hand in My Hand book review: your hand in my hand Jul 05, 2024

Book Review: Your Hand in My Hand

In this book review installment, we look at Your Hand in My Hand, a sweet story of togetherness through the seasons that...

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5 Simple, Easy Ways to Enjoy Musical Fun Indoors 5 simple and easy ways to enjoy musical fun indoors Jul 04, 2024

5 Simple, Easy Ways to Enjoy Musical Fun Indoors

One of the great things about musical activities is that they make really great indoor activities.  When it’s too...

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Science Center Stage: Music Changes the Brain science center stage: music changes the brain Jul 03, 2024

Science Center Stage: Music Changes the Brain

“Music training can alter both the structure of the brain’s white matter, which transfers signals through the brain,...

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Book Review: Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball book review: sometimes i like to curl up in a ball Jul 02, 2024

Book Review: Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball

For this beak review, we take a look at Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball,  written by Vicki Churchill...

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