The Kindermusik with Simply Music Blog

Kids Get It: Music is Magic beethoven still works – over 200 years later conduct like no one’s watching kids get it: music is magic music is magic Jun 25, 2024

Kids Get It: Music is Magic

We’ve said it many times, and it’s kind of become my catchphrase…music is magic. We bring you lots of studies about...

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In Your Right Brain: The Mind’s Response to Music in your right brain: the mind’s response to music study after study Jun 24, 2024

In Your Right Brain: The Mind’s Response to Music

The brain is a mysterious organ. It is responsible for all the functions of the body, processes pain, yet has no pain...

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Why Singing to Your Child Every Day Is Vital the science behind singing to your child why singing to your child every day is vital Jun 21, 2024

Why Singing to Your Child Every Day Is Vital

Remember this  viral video? A mom sings a sad love song to her 10-month baby, and the baby’s eyes well up. ...

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Kindermusik Classroom Instruments and their Big Brothers cabasa cowbell guiro kindermusik classroom instruments and their big brothers triangle woodblock Jun 20, 2024

Kindermusik Classroom Instruments and their Big Brothers

The Kindermusik experience, including instruments, is very much process-based, allowing children (and parents!) to...

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Singing in Choir Makes you Happier developing balance and coordination developing fine motor skills developing gross motor skills lower stress - better health singing and movement singing in choir makes you happier Jun 17, 2024

Singing in Choir Makes you Happier

Mental health – thankfully, in recent years, it has become more acceptable to talk about it in public. The stigma of dealing with a...

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Become a Children’s Music Teacher with Kindermusik become a children’s music teacher with kindermusik music education music teacher Jun 15, 2024

Become a Children’s Music Teacher with Kindermusik

Have you always wanted to become a children’s music teacher but don’t know where to start?


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Hoping to Nurture Social-Emotional Wellness in Your Child? Music Helps. emotional intelligence hoping to nurture social-emotional wellness in your child? music helps. kindermusik's approach love for music is the answer music is the answer Jun 14, 2024

Hoping to Nurture Social-Emotional Wellness in Your Child? Music Helps.

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

Since 1990, Americans have been keenly interested in “emotional...

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“Summer Slide”: What You Should Know summer camp on a summer slide summer slide summer slide: what you should know the best kind of summer school Jun 13, 2024

“Summer Slide”: What You Should Know

Water slide, playground slide, Slip N Slide…nothing more perfectly conjures the feeling of summer fun and freedom. The...

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Sun’s Out, Shoes Off: Why Barefoot Is Best benefits of barefootin’ getting grounded shoes off sun’s out why barefoot is best Jun 12, 2024

Sun’s Out, Shoes Off: Why Barefoot Is Best

It’s summer! Time to kick off your shoes, feel the grass beneath your toes, bury your feet in the sand, and do the...

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