The Kindermusik with Simply Music Blog

Babble On…It Benefits Baby! babble on…it benefits baby! beyond babbling cut down on cell phone babbling don’t have preconceived notions about when “real speech” will occur embrace your “baby voice” Jun 11, 2024
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When It Comes To Your Kids, Investing Early Pays Off when it comes to your kids investing early pays off Jun 10, 2024

When It Comes To Your Kids, Investing Early Pays Off

There are two things you can be doing with your toddler now that could give your child a leg up when it comes time to for...

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Baby’s Got the Beat! How to Add Rhythm to Your Daily Routine baby’s got the beat! how to add rhythm to your daily routine feeling it hearing it seeing it steady beat Jun 07, 2024

Baby’s Got the Beat! How to Add Rhythm to Your Daily Routine

Babies are exposed to sounds during pregnancy. At birth, their sense of hearing is completely developed and...

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How Music Teaches Kids to Self-Regulate children learn to self-regulate gradually. dance in sync find a calm song how music teaches kids to self-regulate pat or tap to the beat. sing sing and sway Jun 06, 2024

How Music Teaches Kids to Self-Regulate

He’s so whiny. She’s a hitter. He cries non-stop. She can’t stop talking…if this sounds like your child(ren),...

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A Message from Kindermusik: We will not be silent. a message from kindermusik: we will not be silent. kindermusik community Jun 05, 2024

A Message from Kindermusik: We will not be silent.

To Our Kindermusik Community,

The birth of a child comes with such great promise, excitement, and joy. However, we know...

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Why Shared Musical Experiences with Your Child Are So Important (And Ideas to Implement!) why shared musical experiences with your child are so important (and ideas to implement!) Jun 05, 2024

Why Shared Musical Experiences with Your Child Are So Important (And Ideas to Implement!)

Parents who seek information about what is best to do for their child—parents...

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6 Ways to Prevent Summer Slide 6 ways to prevent summer slide don’t forget to play! incorporate themes. read aloud. reduce screen time. schedule learning time. sing aloud. summer camp summer slide Jun 04, 2024

6 Ways to Prevent Summer Slide

Summer typically signals a well-deserved break for children and grownups—longer evenings outside, vacation, festivals, summer...

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